4 common first-time homebuyer mistakes to avoid

4 common first-time homebuyer mistakes to avoid

Few life events are more confusing and intimidating than purchasing your first home. And rightfully so — graduating from paying rent to keeping up on a mortgage is terrifying. But buying a house or condo can be a great investment, and becoming a homeowner has its perks.

The road to homeownership is wrought with challenges and tough choices. But I’m here to offer up some common mistakes, and share how you can avoid them.  Continue reading

4 features of your dream home you’ll seldom use

4 features of your dream home you'll seldom use

I watch HGTV for the same reason women read fashion magazines — to get inspiration, to lust after shiny items I’m too broke to afford, and to hate. If you hate those perfectly-quaffed, rail-skinny celebrities, you should understand the unbridled rage I experience when I watch House Hunters. This show incites jealousy and frustration for me. It makes my blood boil to see naive twenty-something couples pass up a gem of a home because it didn’t meet the “eight bathrooms” requirement on their must-have list.

If you’re in the market for a new home, don’t let the absence of trivial features stop you from buying a solid property with huge potential. When you start to live your life in your new home, you won’t be sad you don’t have… Continue reading